How should I hang toilet paper in the right direction? It also tells you about your personality
Q. Which way do you hang your toilet paper?
ⓛ Place the tearing part inward.
② Hang the tearing part outward.
Inside or outside, that is the question? what? Toilet paper! This is truly a timeless debate!
The controversy surrounding the direction to hang toilet paper in the bathroom continues. Why is there so much talk about this simple choice of direction: inward or outward? We'll put an end to the controversy in this cheeky quiz.
I'd like to tell you which direction is scientifically correct and also reveal one more interesting fact. I've already had my fill of affectionate 'swearing' with previous personality content, but I will continue to provide you with yet more fun. The fact is that you can determine your personality depending on how you hang your toilet paper!
Heh, you think it’s funny to look at personality through this? Yes, you should laugh and have fun. Don’t be serious. I know better than anyone else that an individual's three-dimensional personality cannot be determined from this one piece of content, and I have emphasized that I am not introducing it to discuss whether it is right or wrong. Since it is based on behavioral psychology rather than scientific basis, let’s think flexibly, saying, ‘It can be seen from various perspectives.’ It may be of some help in understanding the behavior of others, mirroring your own personality, or broadening your horizons in identifying psychological tendencies.
No. ⓛ = Easy-going and highly reliable No. 2 = Perfectionist and high achievement
Dr. Gilda Karl, a famous American celebrity relationship consultant and relationship therapist, studied personality traits based on the direction of toilet paper hanging. He said that you can get a very quick idea of a person's personality by looking at the way they hang their toilet paper. It is clearly the result of his ‘research’. He explains that the way a toilet paper roll is placed in a holder can reveal certain behaviors and characteristics.
75% of people who participated in his study preferred to hang toilet paper with the tearing part facing out. In the example, method ② is used. When I figured out the tendencies of these people, I found out that they have a more dominant tendency than people who turn inward. According to research, people who hang their toilet paper hanging outward like number ② also like to keep things organized. These are people who have strong perfectionistic tendencies and constantly strive to achieve a high level of achievement.
ⓛThe proportion of places where toilet paper is ripped on the inside, like in number 1, was lower than on the outside. People who prefer this orientation often have an easy-going and trustworthy personality. They say they prioritize relationships built on a solid foundation. I will briefly summarize the personality that Dr. Karl summarized ‘like a knife’ according to this dichotomous direction: inward or outward.
The reason whether the direction is ⓛ or ② is important is because of hygiene science.
In fact, whether the toilet paper perforation line goes inward or outward, ⓛ-②, the most important key to these two directions is hygiene. Scientists have a common opinion that putting toilet paper outside and hanging it like number ② helps protect it from bacteria.
When people reach for toilet paper, they can only touch and remove the part they will use in direction ②. On the other hand, if you hang it inside like number ⓛ, your fingers may touch the wall, so there is a higher chance of bacteria remaining. When this happens, the next user touches the tissue with more bacteria on it in addition to the existing bacteria. There is a high risk of causing a potential chain of contamination.
Experts have warned that hanging toilet paper incorrectly can lead to absenteeism, industrial accident compensation, and even business bankruptcy lawsuits due to this chain of bacterial contamination, whether you know it or not. It may seem like an overreaction, but in fact, there are often cases of food poisoning bacteria being transferred through bathroom toilet paper, and mass absences from work are said to occur due to this.
Chain of contamination caused by hanging toilet paper incorrectly... The right direction is necessary to minimize contact with germs.
Most of the bacteria found in public restrooms are E. coli from human feces, a common cause of food poisoning. E. coli is easily transferred from surfaces to fingers and is not transmitted to any food eaten with the hands. This means that the direction in which you hang toilet paper is important. The moment you're most likely to get bacteria on your hands in the bathroom is when you're holding the toilet paper.
Once bacteria gets on your hands, it's not as easy as you think to remove it. Most people can barely wash their hands with soap for a few seconds. To wash your hands cleanly, you need to lather them and rub them for at least 20 seconds. This is similar to the time it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice at normal speed. The problem is that people who wash thoroughly on time like this are less common than you might think. The explanation is that washing your hands is necessary, but before that, you need to hang the toilet paper in the right direction to minimize contact with germs.
Did you understand the personality and hygiene science behind the direction of hanging toilet paper? If you've been just hanging up toilet paper without even thinking about it, I recommend hanging up number ② if possible. If you start walking properly with number ② for hygiene and cleanliness, figuring out your personality will no longer be necessary. I think you can think about a time when you walked without knowing the correct direction of toilet paper and apply that personality.
The theory behind the direction of hanging toilet paper seems grandiose. right? I worked so hard to write this, but many people criticized me for saying too much nonsense. Of course, there is no problem with buying toilet paper either on the outside or inside. To some it may be ‘bullshit’, but to others it may be of ‘a little bit’ of scientific help, right? I think that is also the value of this content, so I tried my best to explain it with great care.
There is a three-part first pitch that came to mind while writing this cheeky quiz. I will conclude by reciting the condensed meaning incorporated into this content.